
Coworker Drama

I am in a weird situation. I have a coworker who has issues. We have a very mild personal relationship as in we talk at work but we don't talk outside of work much or have anything to do with eachother. I have developed a mild friendship with her at work in the sense we share frustrations about others we work with. I notice that she picks on the girls that work in the accounting office and the staff in there changes quickly. She has nothing nice to say about any previous admin staff and it seems that her and my manager are permanent while the rest of the admin staff have massive turnover My coworker and I have a pretty good situation. Our workplace lets us on our phones, its super chill, my coworker is always facetiming someone or on a personal call or having personal conversations in her…

I am in a weird situation. I have a coworker who has issues. We have a very mild personal relationship as in we talk at work but we don't talk outside of work much or have anything to do with eachother. I have developed a mild friendship with her at work in the sense we share frustrations about others we work with. I notice that she picks on the girls that work in the accounting office and the staff in there changes quickly. She has nothing nice to say about any previous admin staff and it seems that her and my manager are permanent while the rest of the admin staff have massive turnover

My coworker and I have a pretty good situation. Our workplace lets us on our phones, its super chill, my coworker is always facetiming someone or on a personal call or having personal conversations in her office. I personally don't care at all. She's an extrovert and that's fine. But recently I realized she's a snake as well.

I had a conflict with my manager last week that played out in front of said coworker. She completely pushed me to complain to higher ups (I did it from my own strength, I knew what she was up to) but proceeds to be so unbelievably ass kissy to my manager and then ice me out.

This coworker also has a reputation of being a freeloader. We work in a place where they are generous with un-useable product, leftover food etc and lots of generous people bring in things. She seems very entitled to these items. She is always telling us all how much she struggles financially so I've given her clothes, cosmetics etc. People there have given her items multiple times and the moment they walk away she says terrible things about them. And most recently, my dad died and had a carton of smokes.

Long story short, I gave her a free pack and mentioned if she liked them I'd give her the rest. She was UNBELIEVABLE NICE to me, then she PUSHED ME to let her come to my Dads memorial?? I worried about it but sent her the info, i even started trying to warm myself to the idea that she wanted to support me, but then she completely blew it off. No text, nothing. I didnt want anyone from work at his memorial and Im glad she never came, but the way SHE approached ME begging to come only to blow it off was weird. I can't help but feel she did this because she wanted more free stuff or thought there would be alcohol (there wasn't and I mentioned that afterward) I also got someone's lunch order by mistake and sent it to the guys upstairs and she seemed mad at this and then I saw the food in her office

Then, a few days pulled that shit with my manager and I just got annoyed. I felt like she is constantly sabotaging my position and only seems nice and helpful when she gets free stuff.

I went upstairs and offered the smokes to the warehouse guys. I made an offhand comment that it was someone else's turn to get free stuff and I was tired of feeling used.

This got back to her and she reported me for bullying. Can I be fired for implying someone is a freeloader? I'm not supposed to know, but she told everyone she reported me. I haven't been spoken to yet and don't know if I will as it seems kinda dumb. She's made me smell the bag of weed she has in her purse at work so I'm confused how rules can be so lax in one area and so strict in another. I feel like she's just mad she isn't getting the smokes 🤷‍️

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