
Will this save my job?

I am on probation and have only 3 weeks (maybe) left. My manager pulled me in for a extra probation meeting last week and advised that I have “regressed”. My feedback outlined in another post was around me laughing too much and too loudly at work, being too social with team members in-between jobs. Now our team posted their most effective month, myself posting the best month out of the team. I have made a spreadsheet outlining my work volume, how I have had huge positive outcomes and created solid relationships with clients. I have added that I am also the most efficient in the team (and hidden their details to avoid them being caught in any cross fire as this isn't there “fight”) Do you think this would be enough at my final probation meeting or am I fighting the inevitable?

I am on probation and have only 3 weeks (maybe) left.

My manager pulled me in for a extra probation meeting last week and advised that I have “regressed”.

My feedback outlined in another post was around me laughing too much and too loudly at work, being too social with team members in-between jobs.

Now our team posted their most effective month, myself posting the best month out of the team.

I have made a spreadsheet outlining my work volume, how I have had huge positive outcomes and created solid relationships with clients.
I have added that I am also the most efficient in the team (and hidden their details to avoid them being caught in any cross fire as this isn't there “fight”)

Do you think this would be enough at my final probation meeting or am I fighting the inevitable?

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