
Is it okay to leave the job if the Company’s culture is not for me?

I started my new work a month ago. In my first week, my manager was being very awkward and not inclusive in conversations. This is a big Company and very hierarchical. In the past, I’ve only worked at a flat structured company where everyone was chilled. The awkwardness my manager showed made me feel like they didn’t like me and it shattered my confidence to build relationships with work colleagues in different teams. I am just not feeling the new company. The other work colleagues in my team are friendly and I get along with them fine but the company overall, I am just not feeling it. The work my colleagues do, which I will eventually start doing also does not interest me at all. I am still in my probation period but am worried that it’ll affect my future job hunting if I leave the company so soon ……

I started my new work a month ago. In my first week, my manager was being very awkward and not inclusive in conversations. This is a big Company and very hierarchical. In the past, I’ve only worked at a flat structured company where everyone was chilled. The awkwardness my manager showed made me feel like they didn’t like me and it shattered my confidence to build relationships with work colleagues in different teams. I am just not feeling the new company. The other work colleagues in my team are friendly and I get along with them fine but the company overall, I am just not feeling it. The work my colleagues do, which I will eventually start doing also does not interest me at all.

I am still in my probation period but am worried that it’ll affect my future job hunting if I leave the company so soon …

The day before I have to go to the office, I am always crippled with anxiety. I am a social person but when I am in the office, I feel my voice quietening and lacking confidence.

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