
Got in trouble for FUN

I worked at a dollar store and once you work there for a year they will make sure to switch the manager. They never want employees and managers getting along. The manager they will hires job is to make your life a living hell so that you quit so they don't have to pay you the 0.10 cent raze for being there over a year. I remember me and a coworker where laughing and talking on lunch break and my boss called me into her office to talk to me and she said. This behaviour isn't professional it looks like your having to much fun and enjoying yourself. I then said I quit and walked away. She then bagged me to stay because I was the best worker there. Company culture is toxic as hell alot of gass lighting and psychology. The issue was alot of others quit and that…

I worked at a dollar store and once you work there for a year they will make sure to switch the manager. They never want employees and managers getting along. The manager they will hires job is to make your life a living hell so that you quit so they don't have to pay you the 0.10 cent raze for being there over a year.

I remember me and a coworker where laughing and talking on lunch break and my boss called me into her office to talk to me and she said. This behaviour isn't professional it looks like your having to much fun and enjoying yourself.

I then said I quit and walked away. She then bagged me to stay because I was the best worker there. Company culture is toxic as hell alot of gass lighting and psychology. The issue was alot of others quit and that was the goal but they needed me for a bit until they could replace me and I knew that f them

This all made me go to college because I'm never working retail again pure hell

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