
My job is a sinking ship

So I work for a private home for the elderly (You'd think it would be a good place since it's not run by the state, but I swear this place is doomed). It's like working on the titanic, you can see the ship sinking and you can't do anything about it. The company doesn't generate enough money to get by, so we are severely underpaid and over worked at the same time. Anyway, I only work 75% because that's the spot they hired me for. I am also recovering from having been on sick leave for years so I don't want to end up overworking myself just to get me back to unemployment again. However, despite me doing my job, staying longer and coming in earlier for work and sometimes sacrificing my lunchbreak because we are so busy we don't always have time for breaks, I still get looked down…

So I work for a private home for the elderly (You'd think it would be a good place since it's not run by the state, but I swear this place is doomed). It's like working on the titanic, you can see the ship sinking and you can't do anything about it. The company doesn't generate enough money to get by, so we are severely underpaid and over worked at the same time.

Anyway, I only work 75% because that's the spot they hired me for. I am also recovering from having been on sick leave for years so I don't want to end up overworking myself just to get me back to unemployment again. However, despite me doing my job, staying longer and coming in earlier for work and sometimes sacrificing my lunchbreak because we are so busy we don't always have time for breaks, I still get looked down upon for not doing more. For not taking more shifts and working double weekends or taking on more 13 hour shifts than I am already doing.

I don't want my entire life to just be about work and I am not well enough to take on more responsibilities than I already have. I get shamed for not bleeding for a company that pays me less than the minimum wage for my job in all of Sweden. Not just my city, my entire country.

Anyway, that's the rant. Thank you for reading. <3

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