
CMV: I do not think what the right calls globalism would be wrong. There needs to be more global order and less waste in the world.

Because the term has been thrown around a lot and has more than one meaning. I will address the informal scare mongering version that includes more than the idea of global free trade. Just a little about me. I come from a well off family of educated business owners. My grandfather before retiring was CEO of a national cable news channel. And some of his friends that our family has eaten dinner with have 9 figures. This is not to brag as my father raised me to be humble enough. That I never under estimate how wrong you can be. Rather the reason I share this is so people understand where my view comes from. My view can be broken down into seven basic parts: 1: A Global government structure – War is wasteful and harmful to productive civilization. The ability to wage war is at the core of the…

Because the term has been thrown around a lot and has more than one meaning. I will address the informal scare mongering version that includes more than the idea of global free trade.

Just a little about me. I come from a well off family of educated business owners. My grandfather before retiring was CEO of a national cable news channel. And some of his friends that our family has eaten dinner with have 9 figures. This is not to brag as my father raised me to be humble enough. That I never under estimate how wrong you can be. Rather the reason I share this is so people understand where my view comes from.

My view can be broken down into seven basic parts:

1: A Global government structure – War is wasteful and harmful to productive civilization. The ability to wage war is at the core of the modern nation state. The “super power” nation states could turn the world into a nuclear winter hell at any moment.

We need to pressure all nations into joining a global government structure like the EU, but with more teeth that is able to remove local government officials swiftly. So that finally war would no longer exist and humanity can exist on the same set of morally correct laws.

2: A single global central bank digital currency (CBDC) – For the sake of global trade and stabilizing global economic policy. We should fully embrace a single well vetted standard for a CBDC that replaces the fractured currency's now in use. The political class should be entirely removed from power over currency so expert bankers can deploy it for most effective economic output. By invocation in new never seen before ways such as issuing expiring currency or barring the purchase of high demand items.

Also getting rid of cash should bring the underground economy to a grinding halt. To not only ensure everyone pay's their share of taxes. But halt human trafficking, dangerous weapon sales and many other adverse trades to society.

3: Depopulation – Roughly eight billion people on earth is too many already. We already know it's not possible to give them all the living standards a average person living in the united states has. And to even attempt doing so would damage the environment far more.

Our treating reproduction as a right has led to this outcome. It should be a privilege given to those best able to raise the next generation. Instead those worst suited to becoming parents literally breed the most. Such as criminals. We need a mass sterilization program to weed out such people. Many people I worked with doing door to door sales when I was 18 would agree with this by the way. Seeing so many messed up people first hand will lead you to eugenics quick.

4: One world religion – As a follower of the one true church I see the guiding hand of our pope working with other religions as a great work to unite people. People that have no faith often lose hope easier and see no reason to put effort into their work beyond what they can see in front of them.

Also I don't see atheist churches or a structure like it working out in the real world. The fact seems to be people are better off with a former structured religion to lean onto when things get tough with a community that shares the common struggle of faith during those times.

Keeping people divided on differences of belief only serves to keep people's mind focused on less productive things and vain hate of one another.

5: Social credit score – We already have credit scores for a reason. Fact is people already have a basic social credit score in place called social reputation. It works well, but not always well enough at regulating people's behavior. It's long time past due to formalize this into a structure that provides transparent human value to society. Because the fact is some people are worth more to society than others based on what they do and how they act. It's better for society as a whole if those people are formerly recognized for it.

For people that are a drain on society or otherwise cause trouble it's time they directly feel what they are doing to others in every day to day life moment. If their human value relation rating is too low they shouldn't be allowed into stores or to share other public squares with other better functioning people until they improve their behavior long enough to show real change.

Others that can't improve need to be put into community's far away from the rest of society and barred from ever leaving those community's to keep them from poisoning our productive society.

6: Reduction of waste – The common person living in the US waste too much. From the giant SUV they drive to the nightly steak dinners. It's a common complaint near everyone has seen before.

Now with the global environment in danger from all the waste generated we need to cut back. Restructuring cities into areas people don't need a car or even public transport would do a lot to not only reduce waste of rescorses and pollution. It would also get people outside and moving more. Meaning it should help reduce the obesity crisis that burdens our healthcare systems with higher cost and wait times due to the extra demand those at higher health risk generate.

7: Privilege of speech – The right of free speech is giving rise to dangerous politcal extremist. Nearly all online platforms go by privilege of speech because deep down they know the first amendment in the United States was a mistake.

Words are extremely powerful. I would say spoken from the right person they are mightier than the barrel of a gun or even the atom bomb. So why on earth would you be in favor of regulating dangerous weapons from the AR-15 to tanks and of course building nuclear weapons. But allow the pen that's mightier than the sword to be freely used by anyone. It's entirely unreasonable and we now see the result with the number of crazy ideas floating around.

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