
Recruiter attempted to blackball me

For context, my company just laid off 7K+ people due to downsizing and organizational re-org. I received severance along with unemployment. I was informed and encouraged to apply to other positions within the company and that I would be hired. Several applications I submitted got denied as soon as I submitted them. I called HR, spoke with someone and they onfirmed I was eligible for re-hire; explained the issue to them and they informed me to send an email to the recruiter and cc them in the email. Recruiter responded to my email saying that the HM wasn't accepting anymore interviews and also informed that the company did not have the resources available to re-hire terminated employees. HR Rep sent an email in response informing the Recruiter that she would be reaching out to their manager to verify this information. No responses from Recruiter at all after that exchange. By…

For context, my company just laid off 7K+ people due to downsizing and organizational re-org. I received severance along with unemployment. I was informed and encouraged to apply to other positions within the company and that I would be hired. Several applications I submitted got denied as soon as I submitted them. I called HR, spoke with someone and they onfirmed I was eligible for re-hire; explained the issue to them and they informed me to send an email to the recruiter and cc them in the email.

Recruiter responded to my email saying that the HM wasn't accepting anymore interviews and also informed that the company did not have the resources available to re-hire terminated employees. HR Rep sent an email in response informing the Recruiter that she would be reaching out to their manager to verify this information. No responses from Recruiter at all after that exchange.

By this time I was simply discouraged from even applying. I've been submitting job application after job application and just waiting to hear stuff back from other companies. Today I got a call from HR informing me that I shouldn't experience any applications issues going forward and encouraged me to re-apply to any positions I felt fit my skill set.

I did and got three back to back interviews today for three different positions. One positions starts in October and the other two start next month. I'm waiting to hear back on a decision to move forward with second interviews and the recruiters for those positions have been super communicative with so far.

Pretty sure that recruiter has been fired as well.

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