
legal issue or shady HR practices?

So a little background. I started a job with a company a year ago in healthcare that has the opportunity to promote to different levels within my role. There are two rounds of “leveling” a year. When I started with the company it was a requirement to have been with the company for a minimum of 9 months in order to move onto the next level so long as our work performance is meeting expectations. Flash forward to June, after my first 11 months with the company, I was eligible to promote the next leveling round which was the end of the month. I learned I was turned down to level up as I had not been with the company for a full year and that this was a recent change. I argued we had been told 9 months was the requirement and my own supervisor told me this was…

So a little background. I started a job with a company a year ago in healthcare that has the opportunity to promote to different levels within my role. There are two rounds of “leveling” a year. When I started with the company it was a requirement to have been with the company for a minimum of 9 months in order to move onto the next level so long as our work performance is meeting expectations.

Flash forward to June, after my first 11 months with the company, I was eligible to promote the next leveling round which was the end of the month. I learned I was turned down to level up as I had not been with the company for a full year and that this was a recent change. I argued we had been told 9 months was the requirement and my own supervisor told me this was a new change from HR that they just learned. The worst part is that I missed the year deadline by 11 days and I won’t be considered for another 6 months. No pay raise for any of the extra work I have been doing in order to level up.

Coincidentally we had a team meeting where our managers announced they received communication of this change in leveling requirements after many of my peers reached out when they were denied for the same reason, less than 1 year with the company. The managers told us they fought for us but HR would make no exceptions. By this time I had been with my job for over a year.

Here’s the kicker- earlier this year the company announced reduced merit increases after promising a certain percentage to all employees. We learned later that for those whom had not been with the company before 2022, we were told our amount would be less than those hired before. I’m not upset about that, to be clear. They told us this change almost a month AFTER initially announcing the merit increase would be the same for all employees.

I am working above the level I currently am as I have taken on extra responsibility in order to level up (one of the requirements), as well as took on one of our largest clients. Everyone I’ve worked with has only provided positive feedback. My performance metrics meet or are above what is required. Additionally, I spoke with multiple supervisors who told me they saw nothing in my performance or attendance that would prevent me from promoting.

I have been working with management to work towards leveling up and have displayed I am already working at the next level since my first few months and I just don’t know what to do.

Is it legal to be denied a promotion if HR didn’t communicate the change in requirements officially until after I was supposed to be eligible? I really enjoy my peers and the job itself, but this feels so shady. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

TLDR: I was eligible for a promotion at my job, met all the requirements and was denied due to being with the company for less than a year. We were told 9 months before this and the change wasn’t communicated until after I was denied. Missed the 1 year deadline by 11 days or else I would’ve gotten it. Any advice?

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