
Got fired while I was in the hospital.

Ya it was my probationary period of 90 days and well I'm a human being and had a medical emergency which left me in the hospital for a few days. It sucks because while this job wasn't perfect( no job is sadly) it was wfh and easy and I was pretty fucking good at it. Mind you it's pretty simple fucking work but I don't toot my horn much and I was fucking good at it. All my stats were fucking amazing and apparently that's STILL not enough. At this point in my life I'm fucking tired and exhausted of this society I didn't create. I don't want to live anymore but I'm too much of a pussy to off myself so I'm stuck here to suffer until something breaks me entirely. Everytime things start looking up for me in my life something comes along and completely ruins it. Years…

Ya it was my probationary period of 90 days and well I'm a human being and had a medical emergency which left me in the hospital for a few days. It sucks because while this job wasn't perfect( no job is sadly) it was wfh and easy and I was pretty fucking good at it. Mind you it's pretty simple fucking work but I don't toot my horn much and I was fucking good at it. All my stats were fucking amazing and apparently that's STILL not enough. At this point in my life I'm fucking tired and exhausted of this society I didn't create. I don't want to live anymore but I'm too much of a pussy to off myself so I'm stuck here to suffer until something breaks me entirely. Everytime things start looking up for me in my life something comes along and completely ruins it. Years of this would drain anyone to the point of just breaking. I fucking hate that literally the majority of us are suffering like this and we do guck all to change it. I'm tired grandpa.

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