
Working with chronic illness

I had to call off sick the other day for chronic health problems I have. I haven’t told them this, but I have an eating disorder and am going through the “down” part of its ups and downs. I’ve also, for unknown reasons (have a doctors appointment scheduled for tomorrow) been on my period for over 5 weeks. Not spotting/on and off, but full on bleeding. Between those 2, I have been dizzy, tired, and have a headache 70% of the time. Yesterday I was so weak I could barely walk, and couldn’t lift 20 pounds (can typically easily lift and carry 60). I called off an hour before my shift, I genuinely felt really bad. I was supposed to work alone with a coworker and had a shipment coming in. I said I might be able to come in halfway through my shift, and I could pick up anyone…

I had to call off sick the other day for chronic health problems I have. I haven’t told them this, but I have an eating disorder and am going through the “down” part of its ups and downs. I’ve also, for unknown reasons (have a doctors appointment scheduled for tomorrow) been on my period for over 5 weeks. Not spotting/on and off, but full on bleeding. Between those 2, I have been dizzy, tired, and have a headache 70% of the time.

Yesterday I was so weak I could barely walk, and couldn’t lift 20 pounds (can typically easily lift and carry 60). I called off an hour before my shift, I genuinely felt really bad. I was supposed to work alone with a coworker and had a shipment coming in. I said I might be able to come in halfway through my shift, and I could pick up anyone else’s shift that week. I texted my boss and said coworker. She asked if I had found someone to cover for me, I asked the group chat (no response) and she said my boss had found one and “DON’T come in”.

I feel like they must think I called in last minute over a hangover. I feel so guilty and shitty, among those two I live with other chronic illnesses which means I have to call out more than usual, maybe once every other month. I call anytime I start to get symptoms, and am still able to come in half the time I call ahead sick. I often come to work even though I feel like shit, because I want to save calling off for when I truly am unable to function and not just when I’m poorly functioning (which is a few times a week).

Anyways, I don’t know what to do. Besides this, I enjoy my job… I have autism, and feel like it is a perfect fit for me. It is not that busy, quiet, and the work I do revolves around something I’m very interested in. I also do not work that much, maybe 15 hours a week, which gives me time to take college classes, take care of myself, and help out with my family. I do not want to quit this job, but I hate feeling like a burden.

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