
HR Issue or Not?

I work as an “assistant” to a woman in my office, though she does not oversee my timesheets/PTO/etc. She doesn’t have the power to fire me. However, yesterday she directly threatened my job over email over something that was not a mistake, nobody cared about it, she’s just extremely petty and seems to aspire to demean me nearly every day. I spoke with the head of our office about it this morning and he said she would speak with her (which will likely make the bullying worse…) but I don’t know if this is an issue I should talk to HR about? I usually prefer to keep my head down, but her behavior towards me has increased my anxiety to where I’ve become suicidal and cry often after work. I’m applying to jobs, but we all know how that goes. I’ve posted here before and I did go to HR…

I work as an “assistant” to a woman in my office, though she does not oversee my timesheets/PTO/etc. She doesn’t have the power to fire me. However, yesterday she directly threatened my job over email over something that was not a mistake, nobody cared about it, she’s just extremely petty and seems to aspire to demean me nearly every day. I spoke with the head of our office about it this morning and he said she would speak with her (which will likely make the bullying worse…) but I don’t know if this is an issue I should talk to HR about? I usually prefer to keep my head down, but her behavior towards me has increased my anxiety to where I’ve become suicidal and cry often after work. I’m applying to jobs, but we all know how that goes. I’ve posted here before and I did go to HR with that issue so there is a record of her acting out of pocket towards me but I fear that saying something again will make me seem like I make waves. We all know HR protects the company, not the person. So should I leave at this or speak with HR?

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