
Is a 40 hour work week really that bad?

No hate to anyone who finds full time work to be too much, I’m just trying to understand where people are coming from on this. 40 hours a week has always seemed pretty reasonable to me? When I was a kid I was scared to grow up and have to get a job, because I thought it would take up most of your day. My only point of reference for what a workday looks like is my dad, who these days is working about 70-85 hours a week, depending on the time of year. So as I grew up and found out that most people only work about half that time, I was very relieved. Currently I have a full time and a part time job and am working about 60-65 hours a week, and while I don’t have that much free time it still feels a lot more manageable…

No hate to anyone who finds full time work to be too much, I’m just trying to understand where people are coming from on this.

40 hours a week has always seemed pretty reasonable to me? When I was a kid I was scared to grow up and have to get a job, because I thought it would take up most of your day. My only point of reference for what a workday looks like is my dad, who these days is working about 70-85 hours a week, depending on the time of year. So as I grew up and found out that most people only work about half that time, I was very relieved.

Currently I have a full time and a part time job and am working about 60-65 hours a week, and while I don’t have that much free time it still feels a lot more manageable than when I was in school, cause I don’t have to bring my work home with me. But 40 hours a week sounds pretty darn manageable, frankly I feel like if I only worked 40 a week my parents would be pushing me to hustle more. Of course I totally agree that you shouldn’t have to work more than 40 hours to make enough money to survive (which too often isn’t the case) but I see lots of people advocating for shorter work weeks, and it just… surprises me, I guess? Idk, not sure where I’m going with this, but I’d love to know your guys’ thoughts on the 40 hour work week. Is it too much? Not enough? Just right?

I’d imagine a lot of it comes down to the type of work you do too. I would have a hard time doing physical labor full time for sure

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