
I got laid off.

I was laid off last week, it was my first job after 6 years of not having one. I was hired by a law firm as a remote intake specialist, which to my understanding and what they first explained to me was basically to take client's information and schedule a consultation. I was told that I would be trained to use their software and everything I needed to know to do my job. On my second week there my supervisor went on holidays for a month, she had no time to train me , because of said holiday. The “shadowing” I was doing to another remote worker via zoom, and the access I got to some files on dropbox was all my training. I quickly understood what the job required and as always, I did my best. I learned to use different software and my job was pretty straight forward.…

I was laid off last week, it was my first job after 6 years of not having one. I was hired by a law firm as a remote intake specialist, which to my understanding and what they first explained to me was basically to take client's information and schedule a consultation.
I was told that I would be trained to use their software and everything I needed to know to do my job.
On my second week there my supervisor went on holidays for a month, she had no time to train me , because of said holiday. The “shadowing” I was doing to another remote worker via zoom, and the access I got to some files on dropbox was all my training. I quickly understood what the job required and as always, I did my best.
I learned to use different software and my job was pretty straight forward.
Until my supervisor returned from holidays and was “working” closely to see how we did while she was out.
I was never told that the job required selling consultations with someone who is not a lawyer for $100. After she explained this to me, she said she would train me on sales and law so I'd know what to offer to clients, something that she never did of course. In the span of a week, she became this controlling micro manager emailing me every 5 minutes to do follow up on hang up calls, she had checklists for everything, her work was redundant, not efficient and pushed on follow up in what already bordered on client harassment (we sent 5 emails and would call in between those emails in addition to programmed sms to clients)
I became a lead chaser and was chewed off for not doing my job, even though I managed to schedule 1 to 2 paying costumers a day when we only got 10 calls divided amongst the other intake girl, 2 front desk guys, an answering service and me.

Everything that I did was wrong to her, so it became very stressful for me to work.
I know there's always an adjustment period, but I wasn't even allowed that period, I worked there only for two months. I wanted to speak to my supervisor to let her know about how I was feeling regarding her demands and the poor training I had, but before I said anything she just told me they were letting me go, the only explanation I got was that “I didn't have the personality to sell” and that she had no time to train me.
I feel that I was treated unjustly, they seemed to have a really tightknit group and I always felt like the outsider, I never enter a job with the expectation to make friends but at least have a nice work environment, which I somewhat had when she was away.
I've been beating myself thinking about what I did wrong or what happened. I did research on my own, I managed to enroll in courses to improve my sales and and law business knowledge, I was glued to my laptop waiting for the phone to ring, even so that I stopped taking my allowed 15 minute breaks so I wouldn't miss any calls.

I feel unappreciated, undervalued and rejected, it really took a toll on my already fragile confidence and self-esteem because I feel like I wasn't given a fair chance.

Unfortunately, because I work through an outsourcing company I can't do anything about it but to vent and try to move on.

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