
Am I correct to think that some of the management team is incompetent, or am I overreacting?

I've been working at the company I'm currently employed at for 4 years now. In the beginning, the people who worked here weren't perfect, but the overall level I'd say was acceptable. As time passed, most of the OG staff moved on to other places of work, while new peope were constantly hired. Our headcount increased to almost 100, and some were promoted to senior positions or straight to management level. One of the people who got promoted went from their entry level job to a quality assurance position. Recently, they sent two company-wide emails with workflow documents. One of the documents was written by a senior agent in another department – I can only describe it as a terrible misunderstanding. It's awfully formatted and basically useless. It's a collection of very badly organized bullet points with no explanation, which don't even cover everything they're supposed to cover. And half…

I've been working at the company I'm currently employed at for 4 years now. In the beginning, the people who worked here weren't perfect, but the overall level I'd say was acceptable. As time passed, most of the OG staff moved on to other places of work, while new peope were constantly hired. Our headcount increased to almost 100, and some were promoted to senior positions or straight to management level.

One of the people who got promoted went from their entry level job to a quality assurance position. Recently, they sent two company-wide emails with workflow documents. One of the documents was written by a senior agent in another department – I can only describe it as a terrible misunderstanding. It's awfully formatted and basically useless. It's a collection of very badly organized bullet points with no explanation, which don't even cover everything they're supposed to cover. And half of almost every single screenshot is cut off and one can't see anything on them.

The other file was just an exact copy-paste of a file from over 2 years ago, which doesn't fully apply to our present situation. I mean, the general workflow is the same, sure, but we're now using a completely different software – if anything, the UI is completely different to the one shown in the screenshots, so the new people who have never seen the old software might be confused.

Another thing is, their internal communication doesn't have a single ounce of professionalism in it. We use an instant messaging platform, and when I got addressed by them, it was done akin to how you'd text your bestie over Facebook or whatever.

Me thinks, they're on a quality assurance position. You'd expect them to be professional and to try to bring the quality standards of the company to as high a level as possible. But if they'd approve such awfully written company documents and address you in an unprofessional manner, are they really qualified for this job? What right do they have to grade my work if their bar is set so abysmally low?

I'm not mad because I'm not on that QA position or because they're getting a bigger salary – they probably aren't making much more than me, anyway. What does piss me off is that I'm currently writing a workflow document myself. I'm about halfway there, and it's already pushing 8000 words and 20 pages. And I'm keeping all of it neatly organized and formatted so it's as easy to read and understand as can be. Meanwhile, the two documents I mentioned barely have 2000 words combined. And they were written by the guys who are allegedly at least slightly better than the rest. Really? Really? Obviously, they must have other qualifications, but come on.

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