
Company was Misleading About Wage Amount

I’m honestly extremely upset and confused. I’m in such desperate need of a job right now that I need to take the position either way, but I feel extremely misled and lied to. I initially applied to this position on indeed, the position being a Team Member at a higher end fast food chain, and they stated that they have competitive wages that START at $15.50 and go up to $17, with higher wages being offered based on previous fast food experience. I’ve been working in the food service industry since 2019, and on my resume I have a fast food position, a server position at a restaurant, and a cashier/barista position at a quick service type of restaurant. In my opinion, I have plenty of previous experience to be eligible for higher pay. Prior to the in person interview, I did a phone interview. When asked about wage, I…

I’m honestly extremely upset and confused. I’m in such desperate need of a job right now that I need to take the position either way, but I feel extremely misled and lied to.

I initially applied to this position on indeed, the position being a Team Member at a higher end fast food chain, and they stated that they have competitive wages that START at $15.50 and go up to $17, with higher wages being offered based on previous fast food experience. I’ve been working in the food service industry since 2019, and on my resume I have a fast food position, a server position at a restaurant, and a cashier/barista position at a quick service type of restaurant. In my opinion, I have plenty of previous experience to be eligible for higher pay.

Prior to the in person interview, I did a phone interview. When asked about wage, I said I wanted $17, but would be okay with $16.50. The woman conducting the phone interview didn’t seem to object to this, and set up an in-person interview.

Fast forward to the first in-person interview, when they asked about the wage I wanted, I said $17, and said that I believe my previous experience makes me eligible for that amount. The manager asked what the recruiter on the phone said when I asked for that amount, and I told him she didn’t seem to object. He wrote down $17 as the wage I asked for. The interview went great, and he said they would most likely move forward with me and then we set up a second in person interview with a different manager. In the second interview, I said $17 when he asked about the wage I wanted. Again, he wrote down $17 and didn’t seem to object to it. They never gave me a firm “yes” or “no”, but because of their reactions when I asked for $17 and the fact that I do have previous experience in the industry, I got my hopes up and really believed that I would get $17. They proceeded to offer me the position, and said I would get my onboarding paperwork in my email. I was super excited !

Today, I get the onboarding paperwork and my wage is listed as only $15. They said the wage started at $15.50, so not only did I not get the $17 I asked for, but they’re listing my wage as lower than what they advertised on Indeed?? I know it’s only a 50 cent difference, but still, I’d rather get paid 50 cents more than 50 cents less, especially when they advertised wages that START at 15.50. I was so excited to have a job that pays more than $15, and instead I wasted so much time and energy.

I spoke with the administrative position and asked about it, and she said that she doesn’t decide on pay, and then gave me the number for the HR Coordinator who I’m going to call tomorrow. I wanted to speak with the people that hired me, but she said that all the new hires are sent to HR anyway. I want to at least see if I can get my pay up to $15.50, as that is what was advertised. I don’t expect to get the $17 I asked for, even though I have previous experience. I want to ask why my previous experience didn’t qualify me to receive higher pay, but my boyfriend told me not to because I don’t wan’t to seem “difficult to work with”. He thinks I should just be happy to have a job, as we’re in a really tough spot and just need money. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy, but when a company advertises a certain starting wage, they should uphold to that, instead of sneaking in a lower wage in the onboarding paperwork.

I’m not quite sure how to handle this. Either way, I have to take the position as it’s been hard to get a job with the circumstances my boyfriend and I are in. I feel extremely defeated, as I would not have put this much effort into this particular position if I had known I’d be getting $15. Are they even allowed to do this? Advertise a certain starting wage and then switch it up once they hire you? Ugh. I’m just so sad and defeated, and I’ll probably continue applying to places. I’m really hoping I can at least get $15.50 after I talk to the HR Coordinator tmrw. Wish me luck I guess :/ any advice is very welcome

Tdlr/ Company falsely advertised a certain starting wage and then lists a lower wage in the onboarding paperwork after I’m hired. Ffs:(

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