
I feel like I’m getting thrown under the bus.

I work in a grocery store and am the fresh cut lead. It’s a smaller store but we do well in sales and my department does a good chunk of the sales. We started it small a year ago but now we have a huge shelf with more items and I’m the only one for it. Due to bad corporate decisions they can’t get more hours or hire help. Keeping up with the production as well as the lead responsibilities I don’t have the time to have the shelves full with back stock of product. I have to cut and package and label on top of ordering organizing and cleaning. I have told my manager time and time again this is at least a 2 person job. I get help now a couple hours a day but it isn’t enough. Of course now they are looking for people to blame…

I work in a grocery store and am the fresh cut lead. It’s a smaller store but we do well in sales and my department does a good chunk of the sales. We started it small a year ago but now we have a huge shelf with more items and I’m the only one for it. Due to bad corporate decisions they can’t get more hours or hire help. Keeping up with the production as well as the lead responsibilities I don’t have the time to have the shelves full with back stock of product. I have to cut and package and label on top of ordering organizing and cleaning. I have told my manager time and time again this is at least a 2 person job. I get help now a couple hours a day but it isn’t enough. Of course now they are looking for people to blame and I’m the only one since it’s technically my department. Retail sucks
Just needed a rant

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