
Job offer rescinded due to paperwork

So I interviewed for a job as a teacher abroad through an agency to work in a govt school, met with the principal who interviewed me (coincidence we are from the same city!) but the interview went so well and we even discussed jobs further up the ladder and he mentioned what he had in mind for me. Fast forward 2 weeks later i’ve been made aware i’ve got the job and after the agency got back to me i’ve had to fill in some paper work and show proof of my qualifications. Everything’s sent to the agency, agency seem happy with everything, long process to get docs verified etc (took another 3/4 weeks) i’m stressing as i’m coming to the end of my notice period and the agency emails me to say they’ve decided to no longer go ahead. I called and explained my interview the principal basically told…

So I interviewed for a job as a teacher abroad through an agency to work in a govt school, met with the principal who interviewed me (coincidence we are from the same city!) but the interview went so well and we even discussed jobs further up the ladder and he mentioned what he had in mind for me.

Fast forward 2 weeks later i’ve been made aware i’ve got the job and after the agency got back to me i’ve had to fill in some paper work and show proof of my qualifications.

Everything’s sent to the agency, agency seem happy with everything, long process to get docs verified etc (took another 3/4 weeks) i’m stressing as i’m coming to the end of my notice period and the agency emails me to say they’ve decided to no longer go ahead.

I called and explained my interview the principal basically told me I got the job and even discussed further opps for promotion. Agency responds that it must be to do with paper work, I respond let me know what it is and I can fix it.

They never get back to me.

I’m gutted because I had interviews with some other schools at the time and I rejected their offers as I felt this one had better future opportunities and was around 15% better pay.

A verbal agreement was reached, the agency asking for my details afterwards must mean they knew it was accepted so why can it just be cancelled at the drop of a hat with no further communication ???

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