
My company is implementing assessment testing before interviews. How do I convince them to stop?

Candidates for certified healthcare positions are being required to complete a writing, reading and math skills test before being offered an interview. It is imo wildly offensive, overly extensive (especially the math portion that includes tons of long division with no calculator allowed), and totally unnecessary. These people have taken the required coursework, passed their programs, and passed the national registry for their position before even applying. I do not see why they should be tested on conversion factors from inches to yards?? I am by no means a shot caller, but I work a lot with our new hires. And I do feel that if I can present hr with data that shows how pointless these tests are, perhaps my opinion would be taken seriously. Has anyone else had experience with this sort of thing?

Candidates for certified healthcare positions are being required to complete a writing, reading and math skills test before being offered an interview. It is imo wildly offensive, overly extensive (especially the math portion that includes tons of long division with no calculator allowed), and totally unnecessary. These people have taken the required coursework, passed their programs, and passed the national registry for their position before even applying. I do not see why they should be tested on conversion factors from inches to yards??

I am by no means a shot caller, but I work a lot with our new hires. And I do feel that if I can present hr with data that shows how pointless these tests are, perhaps my opinion would be taken seriously. Has anyone else had experience with this sort of thing?

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