
I’m pretty sure I’m not getting interviews because I’m not lowballing my salary request

My company uses Workday, and I’m trying to apply for opportunities to advance. I’m asking for anywhere from 10-25% more for positions that have more responsibilities and require more experience. The thing is, these positions rarely if ever tell you what the pay range is, so you have to play guessing games as to what the proper pay expectations should be. Has anyone else had this experience? Do most people lowball the salary expectations in order to increase interview likelihood?

My company uses Workday, and I’m trying to apply for opportunities to advance. I’m asking for anywhere from 10-25% more for positions that have more responsibilities and require more experience. The thing is, these positions rarely if ever tell you what the pay range is, so you have to play guessing games as to what the proper pay expectations should be.

Has anyone else had this experience? Do most people lowball the salary expectations in order to increase interview likelihood?

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