
Starting to act my wage

I’ve been with a company for 13 years. In April I asked for a raise due to the work load I’ve had and the amount of hours I’ve put in. Not to mention my personal shit show of being in the process of a long and painful divorce… The response was everyone is replaceable. And instead of a raise I could go on unpaid FMLA after I use all of my paid time off. Casually chatting in my office with my coworker of 1 year and find out he makes a decent amount more than I do for arguably less work. I used to take pride in being a hard worker, but at this point I’ll gladly do the bare minimum. Second interview for a new job Friday morning, anyway.

I’ve been with a company for 13 years. In April I asked for a raise due to the work load I’ve had and the amount of hours I’ve put in. Not to mention my personal shit show of being in the process of a long and painful divorce…

The response was everyone is replaceable. And instead of a raise I could go on unpaid FMLA after I use all of my paid time off.

Casually chatting in my office with my coworker of 1 year and find out he makes a decent amount more than I do for arguably less work.

I used to take pride in being a hard worker, but at this point I’ll gladly do the bare minimum.

Second interview for a new job Friday morning, anyway.

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