
My boss advised my co-worker not to speak to or associate with me

For context, this started probably 2 weeks ago, when I came in at 7:05, our company policy says that you aren't late until 6 minutes after your scheduled clock in time. As I'm clocking in my boss calls me out in front of everyone, stating “everyone remember the daily huddle starts at 7 sharp, don't be late” to which I sighed and clocked in, then lo and behold, less than a week later she shows up late at 7:05, to which i jokingly say “You know the huddle starts at 7” where she immediately gets hyper offended, saying “okay just call me out in front of everyone then!” Later that same day she corners me in the break room, going on a long rant about how she wasn't late, something came up, she's a hard worker, she comes in at 530 every morning, yadda yadda yadda. So two days ago…

For context, this started probably 2 weeks ago, when I came in at 7:05, our company policy says that you aren't late until 6 minutes after your scheduled clock in time. As I'm clocking in my boss calls me out in front of everyone, stating “everyone remember the daily huddle starts at 7 sharp, don't be late” to which I sighed and clocked in, then lo and behold, less than a week later she shows up late at 7:05, to which i jokingly say “You know the huddle starts at 7” where she immediately gets hyper offended, saying “okay just call me out in front of everyone then!”

Later that same day she corners me in the break room, going on a long rant about how she wasn't late, something came up, she's a hard worker, she comes in at 530 every morning, yadda yadda yadda.

So two days ago now, she calls me into the office, 8 months into her working here, she finally “randomly” decides to start keeping up with people's absences, and she gives me my 1st 'counselling' about absences, then immediately gives me my 2nd on the same topic. Then she immediately gives me a 3rd for “not cleaning any of my rooms” two days prior, which is a load of bs, I only missed two rooms. Our company works on a 4 mark system, once you reach your 4th counseling you're up on the chopping block for firing. Well coincidentally the next day she begins tallying up any tardiness or late clocking in for lunches, which I presume is to try to rack up another counseling to fire me.

Which brings me to today, when I go to lunch my friend at work tells me that she told him that he's on thin ice, and that he needs to stop talking to me or hanging around me, because since he has he's been late more often. Which makes no sense because we don't even talk or hang out outside of work. What do I do here? I feel so disrespected despite me working my ass off for this place for two years.

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