
“I had my pay docked for taking a bathroom break so you shouldn’t fight for WFH!”

I just saw this post wherein a guy literally argues that his roommate shouldn’t be upset that he’s being forced back to the office unnecessarily because his roommate “makes twice as much” as OP so he can’t complain. OP has also had his pay docked during bathroom breaks and instead of directing that outrage those responsible he puts down his roommate for “making things into a worker rights issue” and being annoying by discussing the formation of a union, walk outs, and other means of organizing. It’s just so sad.

I just saw this post wherein a guy literally argues that his roommate shouldn’t be upset that he’s being forced back to the office unnecessarily because his roommate “makes twice as much” as OP so he can’t complain. OP has also had his pay docked during bathroom breaks and instead of directing that outrage those responsible he puts down his roommate for “making things into a worker rights issue” and being annoying by discussing the formation of a union, walk outs, and other means of organizing. It’s just so sad.

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