
HR emailed to let us know all cost of living raises are on hold… except the bosses’ of course! (A rant)

I work in billing for a chain of doctor’s offices in another state (Arizona). I’m completely work from home, which is great. When I started working here, my entire paycheck came from one Legal Entity (there are 7 offices/legal entities and I work as if they’re all one office even though they have separate tax ID’s). Then last year they changed it without telling us, to where my paycheck is split into 7, so I get 7 different deposits each payday. The amount I’m paid is the same, but taxes were an extra pain in the ass because of having so many W2’s. We typically get small raises every August. When I say small, I mean I didn’t even realize I got one last year, it was only 2k annual increase. It isn’t performance based, it’s cost of living based. Tomorrow is payday, second in August, so I’ve been anticipating…

I work in billing for a chain of doctor’s offices in another state (Arizona). I’m completely work from home, which is great. When I started working here, my entire paycheck came from one Legal Entity (there are 7 offices/legal entities and I work as if they’re all one office even though they have separate tax ID’s). Then last year they changed it without telling us, to where my paycheck is split into 7, so I get 7 different deposits each payday. The amount I’m paid is the same, but taxes were an extra pain in the ass because of having so many W2’s. We typically get small raises every August. When I say small, I mean I didn’t even realize I got one last year, it was only 2k annual increase. It isn’t performance based, it’s cost of living based.

Tomorrow is payday, second in August, so I’ve been anticipating the raise showing up either this payday or next. Unfortunately HR sent out a mass email company wide, including Front office, nurses, ultrasound techs, billing, etc. to let us know that our cost of living raises are all on hold. The reason is because one of the insurance companies that we work most frequently with changed their payout policies. They’re capping the amount they pay for Acupuncture services.

What’s frustrating is that I raised the alarm on this 6-7 months ago because I handle insurance denials. My boss, a chiropractor, swore up and down I was misunderstanding the new policy and said I just needed to argue better in my denial appeals. Well, he was wrong. Another majorly frustrating thing is that some doctors and physical therapists (whose pay structure is very different to mine) respond to the email saying things like oh that’s totally fine, we all understand and appreciate how hard you (HR) work and are happy you’re prioritizing the company.

Honestly, I know how much money the company makes, and I know how much the bosses take compared to the other medical providers and admin. I also know the bosses (all chiropractors who do not see patients, they just own/oversee) have already given themselves raises. I’ve really enjoyed this job due to the work from home arrangement, but after splitting my salary into 7 and now withholding raises, I think I’m ready to look for another job.

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