
Anyone else get more genuine spam calls after applying for jobs?

I’ve submitted several job applications, and i have noticed after every application i submit that not only do the companies ghost me, but i get more and more genuine spam calls and not any from where i applied from. Calls about things like a property i do not own, etc. i used to get em once ever few months, but after applying for jobs, i’ve been getting them literally daily from various numbers. Anyone else notice this Bullshit? Why are companies allowed to give our data to literal scammers while they ghost us themselves? Or has this only been a my experience thing?

I’ve submitted several job applications, and i have noticed after every application i submit that not only do the companies ghost me, but i get more and more genuine spam calls and not any from where i applied from. Calls about things like a property i do not own, etc. i used to get em once ever few months, but after applying for jobs, i’ve been getting them literally daily from various numbers. Anyone else notice this Bullshit? Why are companies allowed to give our data to literal scammers while they ghost us themselves? Or has this only been a my experience thing?

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