
Why are places so unprofessional

I’m so upset for my husband. He got hired in March for a temporary position, which is ending tomorrow. So he started interviewing and applying over a month ago. He had an interview, went great, went in for a second interview, went decently, but the interviewee didn’t know he had already interviewed before, until the very end. Both times he was supposed to meet with a specific person, and he wasn’t available either time even though it was scheduled a week prior. They said that they would reach out beginning of the following week. He followed up multiple times that week, and didn’t hear back until another week later, saying that they weren’t extending an offer. Okay, next place, went in to fill out an application and interview. They guy basically told him he had the job, but would just have to talk to his boss. Literally told him that…

I’m so upset for my husband.

He got hired in March for a temporary position, which is ending tomorrow. So he started interviewing and applying over a month ago.

He had an interview, went great, went in for a second interview, went decently, but the interviewee didn’t know he had already interviewed before, until the very end. Both times he was supposed to meet with a specific person, and he wasn’t available either time even though it was scheduled a week prior.
They said that they would reach out beginning of the following week. He followed up multiple times that week, and didn’t hear back until another week later, saying that they weren’t extending an offer.

Okay, next place, went in to fill out an application and interview. They guy basically told him he had the job, but would just have to talk to his boss. Literally told him that his boss has never not taken his word for hiring someone. Told him he would get back to him by Tuesday. It’s Thursday and he’s emailed and left a couple voicemails.

I just feel so awful for him. He’s gone through now two interview processes where he’s felt like he’s gotten the job, with one being a no and the other still pending.
How can these places be so unorganized and unprofessional.

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