
how am i supposed to live

seriously, im sixteen right now and have been thinking really hard on how the hell will i live in the future. there's inflation, people not getting paid enough, etc. how am i, a teenager, supposed to prepare for a 'life' like this here? prices are continously raising in stores and fast food and other things. im just about in terror, how am i gonna live? i dont want to only survive, i want to live. i want to grow my own food, live out in nature (with a spouse and pet), away from this. kinda young to say, but i also wanted to have/adopt children. how am i supposed to get this with everything happening? i had so many dreams. i want to be an actress, writer, streamer and to take care of children! hell, i want to earn lots of money mainly so i can help others, fuck me!…

seriously, im sixteen right now and have been thinking really hard on how the hell will i live in the future. there's inflation, people not getting paid enough, etc. how am i, a teenager, supposed to prepare for a 'life' like this here? prices are continously raising in stores and fast food and other things. im just about in terror, how am i gonna live? i dont want to only survive, i want to live. i want to grow my own food, live out in nature (with a spouse and pet), away from this. kinda young to say, but i also wanted to have/adopt children. how am i supposed to get this with everything happening?

i had so many dreams. i want to be an actress, writer, streamer and to take care of children! hell, i want to earn lots of money mainly so i can help others, fuck me! i want to give people money, food and more. id also love to support entrepreneurs. i want to go to college and plan to, but what the fuck?? what if i dont get scholarships and my parents don't pay? what if going to college doesn't pay off? am I just screwed?? I've been trying to get a job all last summer before school started, but everytime i applied i got nothing back, once continously getting turned around at one place. JUST SAY NO. i applied for a fast food job yesterday. i want to save money to get my own things to enjoy, but also so i can have some support. im not trying to stay living with my parents, especially when i have an abusive mom i cant stand most of the time.

i dont understand. why is nothing being done? why aren't people protesting or anything about these prices and all? i only see several videos on it. i dont want to become an adult and have to deal with it, by that time it'll likely be 10x worse. looks like i have to plan a lot if i want to be happy with life. i can't imagine my life becoming worthless as soon as im an adult because of work and inflation (more like corporate greed). at this point i want to leave the country, but where the hell will i go? id also be leaving everyone behind. im so tired of hearing people say and accept we're screwed, dead, etc. I've barely gotten through my life and I'm hearing this, im sick of it.

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