
Unappreciated at work and just need to vent

I’ve been at my company for 5 years. Recently was looked over for a promotion where I had just as much if not more experience than the person who got it, and more seniority by 2 years. I can’t help but think it’s because my supervisor simply likes him more, because I’ve seen them hugging before. Another person in my department got promoted, even though she has been written up several times in the past and landed in HR for creating a hostile work environment by screaming at supervisors and treating coworkers like shit. But our director loves her. I work hard. I have never been disciplined. I volunteer for projects and train others. I don’t complain. But I am always overlooked. Today, we had a company meeting and at the end of it, they had a slideshow recognizing people who had their anniversaries with the company. I just had…

I’ve been at my company for 5 years. Recently was looked over for a promotion where I had just as much if not more experience than the person who got it, and more seniority by 2 years. I can’t help but think it’s because my supervisor simply likes him more, because I’ve seen them hugging before.

Another person in my department got promoted, even though she has been written up several times in the past and landed in HR for creating a hostile work environment by screaming at supervisors and treating coworkers like shit. But our director loves her.

I work hard. I have never been disciplined. I volunteer for projects and train others. I don’t complain. But I am always overlooked.

Today, we had a company meeting and at the end of it, they had a slideshow recognizing people who had their anniversaries with the company. I just had my 5 year anniversary and I was not included.

For some reason, that really upset me and now I’m in the bathroom crying. It’s such a pathetic thing to get upset over, but I feel embarrassed because my coworkers noticed. That on top of getting looked over for the promotion, I feel humiliated. I know companies don’t care about you, but when it’s so blatant and you witness someone who constantly causes trouble being favored, it feels like a slap in the face.

I feel helpless because I don’t have any marketable skills where I can just leave, and this job is high paying with great benefits for my area. I’m going to school part time but only able to do a couple classes a semester and I’m doing general education courses first because I’m so lost on what kind of degree I should get.

Thanks for reading. Just needed to get this off my chest. Any advice on career paths are welcome.

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