
Acting Company looks for children to work for them, forces Parents to pay a huge price for acting classes, and is trying to take advantage of children who don’t know about unions.

I have to share this because I was almost roped into this. I'm 14, have never had a job before and many of the other applicants for this are around my age or younger. I think the oldest I saw was 15. When I auditioned so that I could take the acting classes I was horrifyingly nervous- Acting has been my biggest dream my whole life and I wholeheartedly believed that not only was this probably the best chance I'd ever get, but the only one. They admit to wanting to “take advantage” of the amount of non-unionized work in the industry since a lot of actors and writers are currently on strike. But… they wouldn't desperately need talent if they actually treated their employees and talent well and with decency. I'm really only seeing this so anyone who was thinking of signing up for this company might see it…

I have to share this because I was almost roped into this. I'm 14, have never had a job before and many of the other applicants for this are around my age or younger. I think the oldest I saw was 15.

When I auditioned so that I could take the acting classes I was horrifyingly nervous- Acting has been my biggest dream my whole life and I wholeheartedly believed that not only was this probably the best chance I'd ever get, but the only one.

They admit to wanting to “take advantage” of the amount of non-unionized work in the industry since a lot of actors and writers are currently on strike. But… they wouldn't desperately need talent if they actually treated their employees and talent well and with decency.

I'm really only seeing this so anyone who was thinking of signing up for this company might see it and think twice. I'd hate to see a vulnerable kid like me get roped into this absolute bullshit.

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