
Freedom or so (vent)

I set some boundaries this year. I cut out a lot of people and a lot of things that crossed those boundaries. One of those things ended up being my job. I quit my job of six years with nothing else lined up but some part time classes in a stem field. Although, from what I'm hearing, I won't have much luck finding a job again any time soon… so I'm not sure how useful the classes will be. My workplace was toxic, people were dying by their own hand and no one cared. People were promoted if they were related to the right people. Tragic. It was starting to ruin me, and so I left. Shortly after this, my landlord announced he's selling up. I threw out a lot of my belongings with the news, it will make moving easier. To where? No idea. I have a small mountain…

I set some boundaries this year. I cut out a lot of people and a lot of things that crossed those boundaries. One of those things ended up being my job.

I quit my job of six years with nothing else lined up but some part time classes in a stem field. Although, from what I'm hearing, I won't have much luck finding a job again any time soon… so I'm not sure how useful the classes will be.

My workplace was toxic, people were dying by their own hand and no one cared. People were promoted if they were related to the right people. Tragic. It was starting to ruin me, and so I left.

Shortly after this, my landlord announced he's selling up. I threw out a lot of my belongings with the news, it will make moving easier. To where? No idea.

I have a small mountain of student debt.

Half of my investments hit their stop losses in the last financial year. I only ever put in what I could afford to lose, but having to tell the government about my losses feels like telling mom I broke the vase.

Bad luck aside, re: living scenario and investments, getting away from the toxicity of the job was necessary to start putting my mind back together, and in turn, putting my life back in order.

We're all just tired, right? Tired of the system playing us… I have no interest in playing or being played right now.

I hope that whoever is reading this is doing okay through the garbage game that is modern employment. Keep your head up!

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