
Working to death

I work 2 jobs. Job 1 pays me $10/hrs and Job 2 pays $9. I'm usually at job 1 at 11am until 6pm about 5-6 days a week and Job 2 straight after I get off. Im off from both on Sundays but its safe to say I'm entirely burnt out. After some quick math I've realized I work about 62 hours a week and only make about $2330 before taxes with no benefits. I feel like I'm exhausting myself for nothing all my money goes to food and bills. I just feel hopeless. I recently applied to join national guard because at least I'll get some benefits and some discounts for being military. I'm honestly hoping I can go full time and get a better job with them. Hell I've even considered going army just so I can get free food and shelter. My birthday is next week and…

I work 2 jobs. Job 1 pays me $10/hrs and Job 2 pays $9. I'm usually at job 1 at 11am until 6pm about 5-6 days a week and Job 2 straight after I get off. Im off from both on Sundays but its safe to say I'm entirely burnt out. After some quick math I've realized I work about 62 hours a week and only make about $2330 before taxes with no benefits.

I feel like I'm exhausting myself for nothing all my money goes to food and bills. I just feel hopeless. I recently applied to join national guard because at least I'll get some benefits and some discounts for being military. I'm honestly hoping I can go full time and get a better job with them. Hell I've even considered going army just so I can get free food and shelter.

My birthday is next week and I managed to save some money to go out but I don't even want to request off work because I'm scared something would come up and set me back. My mom comments on my weight loss all the time and I tell her it's because I've been working out to get in shape for basic which is true but its mainly because I'm struggling with food. Not to mention I walk 2 miles to work. I've been surviving off fruits and whatever I can take from work. I started 16 hr fasts to hopefully curb my hunger once I get used to the routine.

I stopped smoking because the military but now that I'm 3 months in and my situation has gotten worse its been tempting to go back. Honestly the only thing stopping me is funds I only have about $40 left after bills.

If anybody has any tips about saving money, how to coupon, low budget recipes, or anything that can help ease the situation I'd appreciate it.

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