Let me just put some things on the table, I work a minimum wage job (about $6.50 after taxes by my estimates) at one of those little stands at the walking areas of the mall. I’ve worked there for about….six/seven years (depending on if you want to count 2020-21). Not only have I seen the cost of living rise, basically real time, but I have also seen the ‘small business’ with like three locations, deteriorate into two Karens having a proxy war, a manager who barely does their job, a store owner who doesn’t even care, about anything but the numbers, and a situation where we have a 60 year old cover shifts, and when they can’t, an entire store location is shut down. Now I’ve been working on leaving for some time now…but honestly, I think it’ll all close before I make the jump, and I just don’t know what to feel about it.