
“…the needs of the company are more important than the needs of the staff.”

Had a meeting today at work where they acknowledged that we're short-staffed, burnt out, and need to just bear through it and be a “team.” The final thing my boss said in that meeting was that she prioritizes the needs of the company over the needs of the staff. So basically, we can all just go F ourselves? Employee morale is at an all-time low, but it's fine!!! The company doesn't need staff, right? Eta: I work in healthcare, so the company is quite literally nothing without its staff.

Had a meeting today at work where they acknowledged that we're short-staffed, burnt out, and need to just bear through it and be a “team.” The final thing my boss said in that meeting was that she prioritizes the needs of the company over the needs of the staff. So basically, we can all just go F ourselves? Employee morale is at an all-time low, but it's fine!!! The company doesn't need staff, right?

Eta: I work in healthcare, so the company is quite literally nothing without its staff.

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