
Just got denied a raise because I’m still a “seasonal employee”

Some background, so I work at this distribution center as an auditor, I check for mistakes with products, shipping pallets, receiving pallets, storage, etc. It falls under quality assurance and was supposed to be a temporary job title while things were still busy. I’ve been working as an auditor for 2 years now so it seems like it’s no longer a “seasonal” position right? Well they seem to think so in terms of saving money because they saw all the money they save with all the mistakes we catch. But in terms of a raise, I’m not eligible because I’m still seasonal. I’ve also been helping the supervisor with a lot of his work, so I’m logging a lot of information in the computer. I recently found a folder in a computer of all the auditor mistakes that were found and fixed, and I saw that I find the most…

Some background, so I work at this distribution center as an auditor, I check for mistakes with products, shipping pallets, receiving pallets, storage, etc. It falls under quality assurance and was supposed to be a temporary job title while things were still busy.

I’ve been working as an auditor for 2 years now so it seems like it’s no longer a “seasonal” position right? Well they seem to think so in terms of saving money because they saw all the money they save with all the mistakes we catch. But in terms of a raise, I’m not eligible because I’m still seasonal. I’ve also been helping the supervisor with a lot of his work, so I’m logging a lot of information in the computer.

I recently found a folder in a computer of all the auditor mistakes that were found and fixed, and I saw that I find the most BY FAR. Like I fix hundreds of mistakes a month, but other auditors are fixing like 50 a month, but are paid the same as me.

Well, I go to my supervisor and ask for a raise because I’ve been busting my ass for the last 2 years with no standard raise put in place, and he says that I’m not eligible for a raise at all because I’m still technically a “seasonal” employee even though I’ve been here for 2 years. He told me there’s nothing he can do, so I request more hours and he said “no, I can’t approve more hours either”

The thing is, I need more than 8 hours to get the work I need to do a day finished. Like it’s either I don’t check the shipping doors, and finish all the other stuff I need to do, or I check the shipping doors, then don’t get to finish the paperwork I need to finish. Either way, I get bitched at for not doing something.

The supervisor that said he can’t get me a raise said all the time that I was his best employee which is worth nothing but words since I’m not getting compensated for my efforts, but I guess words of admiration are good? Nah.

Currently looking for a new job now and have an interview for a company that starts out at $5 more than what they’re paying me, with a $0.50 raise every 6 months for the same job that I’m currently doing. Just sucks to see all the hard work you put in be treated as nothing, with no appreciation put in.

In all, I’m forced to rush all day, as I can only work 8 hours, get bitched at by my manager for not completing auditing the shipping doors, or another manager for not completing the paperwork, fix the most mistakes out of anyone by far, and get denied a raise because the company doesn’t want to make the position “official” after 2 years.

Side note: the reason they’re so strict on overtime is because the general managers and regional managers get bonuses with how much money they save on labor. Fun.

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