
No one wants emails, just phone calls

How would y’all deal with having a manager and a new supervisor who hates emails? They want every conversation to be in person or via phone call. Which, baring my own memory issues, I don’t have a problem with in general…. However… I have found myself multiple times where my manager tells me to do something, so I do it and then I get criticized for that manager for doing it the way they told me and they’re rude when I try to point out they told me to do it that way. Eg: 1. I send my work to him for review via email 2. He says he’s too busy so stop sending them things and “hold onto” then until closer to due date 3. I got told I need to not delay services for customers by holding onto things 4. I submit my work and follow up in…

How would y’all deal with having a manager and a new supervisor who hates emails? They want every conversation to be in person or via phone call.

Which, baring my own memory issues, I don’t have a problem with in general…. However…

I have found myself multiple times where my manager tells me to do something, so I do it and then I get criticized for that manager for doing it the way they told me and they’re rude when I try to point out they told me to do it that way.

1. I send my work to him for review via email
2. He says he’s too busy so stop sending them things and “hold onto” then until closer to due date
3. I got told I need to not delay services for customers by holding onto things
4. I submit my work and follow up in person
5. He tells me “I don’t know what to tell you, I’m busy” and refuses to allow me to send it to anyone else for review
6. I send reminders via email that something is due, no response
7. It’s my fault a deadline was missed even though I sent it in on the timeframe he wanted and provided reminders
8. He tells me to call and “light a fire” if I need something reviewed
9. I have deadlines so I call and he tells me “don’t call me/bother me with reminders” and hangs up the phone on me.

Now my new supervisor is telling me I need to stop emailing requests in and do it via in person or phone call. I told him straight up no, I need everything in writing to cover myself because I’m constantly getting conflicting information.

He said “that’s why there are issues in this office: emails” and walked away.

My therapist said the only reason why they’d have issue with emails was because they’re trying to hide their own bad behavior/work/practices.

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