
Landscaping & Lawn Maint…

are insanely exploitative no matter what company you work for. You either get shit pay for okay work culture or you get mediocre pay and shit work culture. At my current job we're all getting paid just at or just under the living wage in my city ($21/h). I've seen tons of red flags: some labor divisions don't get paid for work at the shop or for drive between sites, chronically understaffed, work days vary from 6-12 hours in a super inconsistent way, competition between workers for easier work/using machinery, lack of safety gear, equipment never works properly, etc. I have ignored most of it because I'm a student and this is only temporary for me, but today really showed me how out of touch my boss is about our ability to afford living. My crew leader was ~20 min late for work today (but not an issue because myself…

are insanely exploitative no matter what company you work for. You either get shit pay for okay work culture or you get mediocre pay and shit work culture. At my current job we're all getting paid just at or just under the living wage in my city ($21/h). I've seen tons of red flags: some labor divisions don't get paid for work at the shop or for drive between sites, chronically understaffed, work days vary from 6-12 hours in a super inconsistent way, competition between workers for easier work/using machinery, lack of safety gear, equipment never works properly, etc. I have ignored most of it because I'm a student and this is only temporary for me, but today really showed me how out of touch my boss is about our ability to afford living. My crew leader was ~20 min late for work today (but not an issue because myself and the other worker were still getting our equipment ready) and got in shit from the boss. She's having car issues and his response was “why don't you just buy a new car?” As if we can afford to save enough money for those kind of things and not spend it all on surviving. Moral of the story, my boss is a c*nt and if you can avoid getting sucked into the perpetual trap that is landscaping and snow removal, do, because it gives you just enough money and takes up all your time in a way that makes it hard to leave.

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