I got back from my short vacation and needed a lift back home after coming back to town and got an Uber back to my apartment 20 minutes away. We get there and he sighs and waited a few seconds before exclaiming “man I’m done for the day, I’m beat”. I asked him about how his other ride where and it turns out I was his first ride of the day and he was just so burnt out and tired, and that he just wanted to go home and relax on his only day off. I handed him all the cash I had in my wallet leftover from my trip ($22) and he immediately started getting choked up and started profusely thanking me.
I tipped him an additional 10 off my card in hopes of making his day better, but what kind of world do we live in that $22 can make a grown man cry? It’s outrageous we are all severely underpaid and worked to the bone in most fields of work. This man probably had a family he should’ve been spending with in this Sunday… this country needs to do better