
Not sure how to feel

Don’t post much so forgive me if it’s really short or poor quality. Posting from mobile. Got an offer last werk for a contracting gig with the dod, currently working as an electromechanical technician for a global company. I fix factory equipment in a shitty, osha violation ridden plant on the second shift, 3pm-11pm. My supervisor told HR this morning that he “felt like I would be quitting soon” which makes no sense to me because not once have I displayed any kind of negativity at work, I’m chronically optimistic and will be in good spirits despite the shit show I work for, and he also recommended my termination today. When I showed up for my shift, I told him that this coming Friday will be my last day, because I got an offer I can’t refuse that needs me to start the following week. He was happy for me,…

Don’t post much so forgive me if it’s really short or poor quality. Posting from mobile.

Got an offer last werk for a contracting gig with the dod, currently working as an electromechanical technician for a global company. I fix factory equipment in a shitty, osha violation ridden plant on the second shift, 3pm-11pm.

My supervisor told HR this morning that he “felt like I would be quitting soon” which makes no sense to me because not once have I displayed any kind of negativity at work, I’m chronically optimistic and will be in good spirits despite the shit show I work for, and he also recommended my termination today. When I showed up for my shift, I told him that this coming Friday will be my last day, because I got an offer I can’t refuse that needs me to start the following week. He was happy for me, told me that it’s great that I’m getting out from under this company’s thumb before I got stuck, etc. Anyway, we agreed that Friday would be my last day and shook hands.

After all the bullshit, he had me go up to HR to sign an exit letter so he can put up a new listing to fill my role. The HR lady was sad to see that I was leaving and told me that it’s a strange circumstance that I’m filling out my exit letter the day I’m getting terminated. Needless to say, I was very confused. I told her that the supervisor and I agreed that Friday would be my last day, her and I had a little back and forth about it until she finally called my supervisor to confirm.

Moral of the story, my supervisor was ready to fire me. Not because of my work, but because he had a feeling that I was going to leave.

I’m definitely calling osha as soon as this next week rolls around so I don’t have to deal with the complete overhaul of everything in the facility.

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