
Got “Laid Off” after they hired someone else.

So I started a new job in a company that installs automation, ie blinds that close from your phone, control lights or music from any room, stereos, amps, speakers what have you. The company has worked for high end clients including Roger Weston, JB Pritzker, Vince Vaughn. They like to promote excellence and detail in their jobs. That's the facade. It's 5 dudes in a warehouse with a truck. I was hired to work at the shop and do the hauling and grunt work and eventually learn how to install stuff. After texting my boss about health insurance and getting no response, I felt like somthing was wrong. Monday morning I start work at the shop and I heard from annother co-worker that they hired a new guy and he was already learning to install and on the job. I met him at the end of the day and he…

So I started a new job in a company that installs automation, ie blinds that close from your phone, control lights or music from any room, stereos, amps, speakers what have you. The company has worked for high end clients including Roger Weston, JB Pritzker, Vince Vaughn. They like to promote excellence and detail in their jobs. That's the facade. It's 5 dudes in a warehouse with a truck. I was hired to work at the shop and do the hauling and grunt work and eventually learn how to install stuff. After texting my boss about health insurance and getting no response, I felt like somthing was wrong. Monday morning I start work at the shop and I heard from annother co-worker that they hired a new guy and he was already learning to install and on the job. I met him at the end of the day and he seems nice enough. We were all shooting the breeze when everyone started kinda agreeing with Trump and how liberals are dumb, FOX News talking points. I'm not necessarily political but Trump is a fucking idiot, I'm sorry I keep my mouth shut, not trying to stir shit up. Long story long I got laid off the next day. I'm just fucking floored that I had to quit my job, to work this other job. After being told I would be trained, they go and hire annother guy who knows absolutely nothing about anything to the point where I'm explaining the most basic of things to him. I'm surprised how he got this far in life. I just needed to vent I guess. Don't hire Cinemation in the Chicago land area for stereo installs. They fucking suck and have no moral fortitude. They hired some other guy that I didn't even know they hired only to have my fucking job. Without even telling me what the fuck was going on. Like if I was fucking somthing up why not just tell me? What the fuck did I do wrong? And now I'm getting an earful from my dad about how it's because I didn't work hard, work ethic ect. Fucking fuck man.

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