
Ex-boss won’t send my last paycheck

I was working in Washington state for a few months, I was fired inside 90 days for pushing back on constant wage theft. My ex-boss refuses to send my last paycheck (surprise), it’s now 15 days late. It’s a small company, ex-boss is owner and manager, When I ask about my pay, he lies, creates dumb excuses and is in general a huge asshole just because, so talking to him isn’t going anywhere. The company also misrepresented when I worked, saying I didn’t work when I did and instead logged those hours in the next pay period when I was already moved out of state, I only know they did this because I got the paystub with the weird schedule. Still no pay though! How do I get my paycheck and move on from this nightmare? Thanks. Edit: Yes, ALL the employees have dealt with wage theft, since the beginning.

I was working in Washington state for a few months, I was fired inside 90 days for pushing back on constant wage theft. My ex-boss refuses to send my last paycheck (surprise), it’s now 15 days late. It’s a small company, ex-boss is owner and manager, When I ask about my pay, he lies, creates dumb excuses and is in general a huge asshole just because, so talking to him isn’t going anywhere. The company also misrepresented when I worked, saying I didn’t work when I did and instead logged those hours in the next pay period when I was already moved out of state, I only know they did this because I got the paystub with the weird schedule. Still no pay though! How do I get my paycheck and move on from this nightmare? Thanks.

Edit: Yes, ALL the employees have dealt with wage theft, since the beginning.

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