
I’m on the verge of giving up….

Trigger warning: sicdal ideations, anger, feelings of helplessness. I’m posting this in r/antiwork, because no one else gives a shit. I’ve talked to my bosses, my union, and even reported the company to the government. I work for Kroger, who is as corrupt and as old-timey as anything else run by boomers. They treat us like slaves, begging to use the restroom and punished if we take too long (the lock on the restroom unlocks itself after 10 minutes). And we only have breaks because of the union (10 mins for 4 hrs work, 15 mins for 6 hrs, and two 10 mins spread apart for 8+ hrs work.) I’m tired of standing on my feet all day just to get a 10-15-10/10 minute break at the end of my shift, it’s exhausting… I’m tired of being mistreated and overworked like it’s something I have to do 24/7/365… in a…

Trigger warning: sicdal ideations, anger, feelings of helplessness.

I’m posting this in r/antiwork, because no one else gives a shit. I’ve talked to my bosses, my union, and even reported the company to the government. I work for Kroger, who is as corrupt and as old-timey as anything else run by boomers. They treat us like slaves, begging to use the restroom and punished if we take too long (the lock on the restroom unlocks itself after 10 minutes). And we only have breaks because of the union (10 mins for 4 hrs work, 15 mins for 6 hrs, and two 10 mins spread apart for 8+ hrs work.)

I’m tired of standing on my feet all day just to get a 10-15-10/10 minute break at the end of my shift, it’s exhausting… I’m tired of being mistreated and overworked like it’s something I have to do 24/7/365… in a fucking grocery store job! I feel like I have to suck dick and kiss ass just to feel like I accomplished something! I give everything, I even shook off the time I didn’t get paid for a whole month, AND HAD TO FIX MY OWN PAYROLL. I shook off when I wasn’t paid for two weeks and then BLAMED FOR IT. I shook off all the abuse and the blame when I take too long in the restroom because I had the shits or I was bleeding because of a tumor fucking up my insides (at least it isn’t cancer!).

Now I’m not being paid AGAIN. I’m so done… I reported the unpaid wages a week ago and I’m still not paid. I’m done being a doormat, I called in today, even though I can lose my job there, I’m ready for it to all end… if their purpose was to fuck me over and make me want to kll myslf then they fucking won…! I’m panicking and beside myself because I’m so fed up and I got nobody but myself to turn to, and what can I do?! There’s nothing I can do… I don’t want to turn to the government, because what do they do other than snigger and hoard money from taxes that we pay?! WHAT DO THEY DO?! It’s all pointless… hah!!!

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