
Toxicity and unprofessionalism in management

My teenage daughter has chosen to quit her job after over a year of being unappreciated, (no thank you even for covering many no show shifts), and having to deal with ADULT managers spreading rumors along with her teenage coworkers. I have advised her to quit as this last year has seriously effected her mental health, and the childish, unprofessional behavior at the location has not improved. Any other advice for a hardworking teenager who has essentially been forced out of her first job?

My teenage daughter has chosen to quit her job after over a year of being unappreciated, (no thank you even for covering many no show shifts), and having to deal with ADULT managers spreading rumors along with her teenage coworkers.
I have advised her to quit as this last year has seriously effected her mental health, and the childish, unprofessional behavior at the location has not improved.
Any other advice for a hardworking teenager who has essentially been forced out of her first job?

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