
“The pays might be a day late”

“We're switching payroll software, and we've hit some problems but it's no big deal. We'll get the pays out tomorrow, or maybe Wednesday.” This from my wife's boss. I am so damn sick of hearing this sort of shit from people who have obviously never lived paycheck to paycheck. Never had bills set to come out of the account the day after pay day. I had this happen to me years ago when I was working as a barista at a brand new Cafe. Turns out the owner had expanded way too quickly, overcommitted to too many new cafe's, and had no money to pay his staff. Meanwhile, I had a 6 month old baby to feed, rent to pay, and a wife desperately trying to get back into the workforce. I also had a bank that charged $15 for every automatic payment that failed, every time it failed. They…

“We're switching payroll software, and we've hit some problems but it's no big deal. We'll get the pays out tomorrow, or maybe Wednesday.”

This from my wife's boss. I am so damn sick of hearing this sort of shit from people who have obviously never lived paycheck to paycheck. Never had bills set to come out of the account the day after pay day.

I had this happen to me years ago when I was working as a barista at a brand new Cafe. Turns out the owner had expanded way too quickly, overcommitted to too many new cafe's, and had no money to pay his staff. Meanwhile, I had a 6 month old baby to feed, rent to pay, and a wife desperately trying to get back into the workforce. I also had a bank that charged $15 for every automatic payment that failed, every time it failed. They would try twice a day.
When rent, car payment and insurance all fail twice a day for two days, and you only make $400 a week, having some entitled douchebag tell you that it's YOUR FAULT for not having money saved is infuriating. I almost came to blows with him when he said “Who do you think you are?” because I called him out on being late with the pays for the third week n in a row. “I am your employee, and you have to pay me!”

It still makes me so angry. Even today, when we are finally in a position where a day's delay on one of our pays is not an emergency for us, but might be for any of the dozens of other people working with us… so angry. I'm fuming.

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