
fuck ross video

I’ve worked for Spidercam for about two years mostly as an independent contractor. They do Ariel camera systems. Cool shit but whatever. Earlier this year they we’re purchased by Ross Video, a shit for brains mega corporation focused in video production. At first it sounded like it was going to be a win, more funding, more systems, more money. They just laid off the head of Spidercam’s US devision. The Man responsible for Spidercam being the force in the industry that is it today. He’s the reason I work for them because of his levelheaded mindset and fair negotiation. I am so incredibly mad at Ross video for doing this to one of there top guys simply because he was “making too much”. I want to burn this shit to the ground. Fuck Ross Video. Fuck Capitalism.

I’ve worked for Spidercam for about two years mostly as an independent contractor. They do Ariel camera systems. Cool shit but whatever.

Earlier this year they we’re purchased by Ross Video, a shit for brains mega corporation focused in video production. At first it sounded like it was going to be a win, more funding, more systems, more money.

They just laid off the head of Spidercam’s US devision. The Man responsible for Spidercam being the force in the industry that is it today. He’s the reason I work for them because of his levelheaded mindset and fair negotiation.

I am so incredibly mad at Ross video for doing this to one of there top guys simply because he was “making too much”.

I want to burn this shit to the ground.

Fuck Ross Video. Fuck Capitalism.

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