
Capitalism. Existentialism. SUFFERING.

I, like many of you, have been inadvertently placed on this cumrag of a planet to be a clockwork wage slave. The consequence of my existence is just that: to serve as a means of achieving what is not mine. A paycheck, as rewarding as it may seem to some, is not something to be proud of, for any set amount of newly displayed digits that appear on your checking account are to only be allocated for the sake of monetized survival. Humans have essentially monetized everything in existence, including your very own existence. Water, which is found nearly everywhere, still comes at a cost. Air conditioning, which is fundamental to one’s health, comes at a cost. Health itself comes at a cost, and at a big personal expense at that. Sanity comes at a cost. What I find to be incredibly fascinating is that the preponderance of human beings,…

I, like many of you, have been inadvertently placed on this cumrag of a planet to be a clockwork wage slave. The consequence of my existence is just that: to serve as a means of achieving what is not mine. A paycheck, as rewarding as it may seem to some, is not something to be proud of, for any set amount of newly displayed digits that appear on your checking account are to only be allocated for the sake of monetized survival. Humans have essentially monetized everything in existence, including your very own existence. Water, which is found nearly everywhere, still comes at a cost. Air conditioning, which is fundamental to one’s health, comes at a cost. Health itself comes at a cost, and at a big personal expense at that. Sanity comes at a cost. What I find to be incredibly fascinating is that the preponderance of human beings, regardless of menial occupation (however, heedful of pay rate, workload, and status), can and must work five to six days a week to make ends meet, with only a mere day or so off, while of course still failing to make ends meet.

We were not taught money in school because the government does not want us all to be rich. The majority of the work undergone by those who frequent this subreddit seems to be menial jobs; regardless, it is devoid of anything positive, and understandably so. The feelings of helplessness naturally intensify when one goes about working their menial job, and observes their bosses or “leaders” nonchalantly going about their day not suffering one bit; as the subordinates {the menial worker} of the said individual/s in ‘power’ {i.e., bosses}, stress in anguish as they are yelled at or disrespected constantly by customers, guests, and even the said bosses, who trivialize the menial worker's existence so that expectations can be met at the expense of inhumane suffering. Ironically, the menial worker's, or subordinates, financial expectations are almost never met. Conversely, if a menial worker is having a bad day on a Monday, or any day for that matter, how is that said individual supposed to get through the next day, all the way up until maybe that Friday, or even Saturday— in a sane, fair-minded way without the usage of pharmaceuticals, without self-harm, and without resorting to violence? Because conformity is an essential byproduct of monetized survival, wage slaves, such as myself, must suppress our natural human instincts in the face of adversity due to the consequential prospects of employment termination and the elimination of income. In other words, we have been conditioned since grade school to be robotic in nature to serve these purposes, and I have finally opened my eyes.

To my belief, capitalism is chiefly responsible for all of this, to an extent. Although, socialism was created in response to capitalism, I personally believe that even if the economic climates were to have been swapped, humans, especially those in power, would still find ways to manipulate, abuse, and screw over us helpless, brainwashed, conditioned, and frustrated individuals. Conformity, at least in my eyes, is synonymous with tolerance. By collectively conforming to this evil system as a whole, we are therefore tolerating the system as it is. However, the only effective means of action for any of this is through force, which is seen in the eyes of the rich as evil; moral hypocrites. Socioeconomic disparity, as a term, is seen as nonexistent in the eyes of those in power. Furthermore, those in power who express “suffering” do not in fact suffer, regardless of micro-, managers, leaders}, or macro-classifications of power {CEOs}. “Suffering” expressed and “felt” by those in power is subjective; suffering felt by those outside of that spectrum is objective. To conclude, one day, the sun will set, and the torches will be lit. Us young individuals will become powerful in the height of our uniforms made red.

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