
I want to quit my job but I don’t know how without feeling guilty.

I (23) am working two jobs right now, one is an americorp service job and another is a coffee/tea shop. I want to quit the tea shop because it is not working out for me and with the americorp job that has now started (had to wait until august for it to start and i started the tea shop in july as a part-time thing), I haven’t gotten the hang of it yet and I can’t study and remember the recipes and prepping bc i only work weekends now and im so busy with the Americorp one; i dont like the tea shop pay, and the manager who trained me left for a month vacation. I feel like its not fair for me or my coworkers to work there bc I’m just so slow at the job and a lot of times, i just feel in the way. This is…

I (23) am working two jobs right now, one is an americorp service job and another is a coffee/tea shop. I want to quit the tea shop because it is not working out for me and with the americorp job that has now started (had to wait until august for it to start and i started the tea shop in july as a part-time thing), I haven’t gotten the hang of it yet and I can’t study and remember the recipes and prepping bc i only work weekends now and im so busy with the Americorp one; i dont like the tea shop pay, and the manager who trained me left for a month vacation. I feel like its not fair for me or my coworkers to work there bc I’m just so slow at the job and a lot of times, i just feel in the way. This is my second customer/food service job. I also have some physical and mental disabilities that prevents me from doing the job well (albeit i didnt let them know, bc i was scared of not getting the job). Im not using my disabilities as a scapegoat reason, im mentioning it to say how it causes the job to be harder for me. when i am slow, still learning, and/or asking questions, everyone at the job just looks at me like an idiot but I’m not, I am literally just new to everything. Honestly, i know the simple answer is i need to just put in my two weeks and be an adult about it but the guilt is gnawing at me.

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