
I don’t wanna end up in the cycle

For context: I'm autistic and get burnt out very easily, I'm seventeen years old and the concept of getting a job fucking terrifies me, I can barely cope with school on it's own and I value my free time a lot, I always hear about people getting stuck in jobs they hate working their entire lives away, and I know I'll eventually have to get a job, I wanna go into a science related field and follow my dreams obviously but my passion lies in astronomy and to my knowledge that's not a very useful skill that a lot of people are looking for, and even if I do get my dream job studying the stars and stuff, (which the more I hear about people with degrees getting fucked over and end up in minimum wage jobs I feel isn't likely) I might end up hating it, people say that…

For context: I'm autistic and get burnt out very easily, I'm seventeen years old and the concept of getting a job fucking terrifies me, I can barely cope with school on it's own and I value my free time a lot, I always hear about people getting stuck in jobs they hate working their entire lives away, and I know I'll eventually have to get a job, I wanna go into a science related field and follow my dreams obviously but my passion lies in astronomy and to my knowledge that's not a very useful skill that a lot of people are looking for, and even if I do get my dream job studying the stars and stuff, (which the more I hear about people with degrees getting fucked over and end up in minimum wage jobs I feel isn't likely) I might end up hating it, people say that if you find something you love them you don't work a day in your life, and while I hope that's true I know it's not, and that there will be times I hate my job, or get burnt out and not be able to get enough time off to reset myself, and I can't even get to a job I'd enjoy without going to university, and to get to that I'll end up having to do a job like being a cashier or a desk clerk, not to mention my autism will make any job involving lots of masking and social interaction like waiting tables or being a cashier or working In Retail difficult, and I can't do a really repetitive job because my ADHD would tear my brain apart before I even get a year into it. Not to mention I live in Canada and the cost of living or buying a house here is ridiculous.My parents constantly tell me that there's no pressure and that I can get a job when I'm ready, but the closer I get to my 18th birthday, the more I worry that this summer break will be the last one I can truely enjoy, sorry if this post is a bit rant-ey, I just needed to get this off my chest

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