
Job wrote me up and is upset I wrote back

I work in a place where I'm a lower level employee. I thought my direct supervisor was pretty chill so when he was telling me he absolutely can't stay and needed me to work a position for him I did, I did let him know that i had never worked this position before and that I wasn't trained. He said it was fine and to 'do what I can' just for today. Well I don't even have a login for the computer that I was supposed to use so it was hard to work around that but I did. Long story short I forgot something, it 'wasn't a big deal' in his words but he wrote me up for it and had a disciplinary meeting with me in front of several other people. In this same conversation I was told that I wouldn't get the increased pay (it's like 4-5…

I work in a place where I'm a lower level employee. I thought my direct supervisor was pretty chill so when he was telling me he absolutely can't stay and needed me to work a position for him I did, I did let him know that i had never worked this position before and that I wasn't trained. He said it was fine and to 'do what I can' just for today. Well I don't even have a login for the computer that I was supposed to use so it was hard to work around that but I did.

Long story short I forgot something, it 'wasn't a big deal' in his words but he wrote me up for it and had a disciplinary meeting with me in front of several other people. In this same conversation I was told that I wouldn't get the increased pay (it's like 4-5 dollars an hour extra) for the shift. On the write up I stated that I would not work that position again unless I got written confirmation that I would 1) get the higher pay and 2) get formal training at that position. They called me back in for another meeting where they said that's 'unreasonable' and I should understand to just 'follow instructions in a military manner without pushback' (actual words used). I feel like I wasn't wrong, nor was I rude to them, I just expressed that I wouldn't take liability without benefit and they are upset at that.

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