
America has probably the worst healthcare and health insurance system among industrialized countries

If our claim to fame is that at our health insurance system is better than Uganda and Bolivia than that’s a bar set too low. My friend who is in the Uk was complaining about their healthcare system and how there is delays and I asked him if he saw a doctor? He said yes and then I asked how much did he pay? He said nothing. I described my wisdom tooth extraction with a oral surgeon in Miami FL and the $2,300 bill I received and that my health insurance company paid $1,700 and I had to pay the difference. I was on the Canada Sub subreddit and these folks are complaining about their system and I just want to remind them you don’t need to take mortgage for chemo therapy. I know some folks are going to come here and reflexively defend this system. Don’t bother. I am…

If our claim to fame is that at our health insurance system is better than Uganda and Bolivia than that’s a bar set too low. My friend who is in the Uk was complaining about their healthcare system and how there is delays and I asked him if he saw a doctor? He said yes and then I asked how much did he pay? He said nothing. I described my wisdom tooth extraction with a oral surgeon in Miami FL and the $2,300 bill I received and that my health insurance company paid $1,700 and I had to pay the difference.

I was on the Canada Sub subreddit and these folks are complaining about their system and I just want to remind them you don’t need to take mortgage for chemo therapy.

I know some folks are going to come here and reflexively defend this system. Don’t bother. I am not going to entertain this nonsense. The American healthcare system is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths each year from benign neglect. Dropping coverage, not covering non essentials, copays and deductibles.

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