
I was threatened by a coworker.

So,heres the long and skinny of it. I work maintenance for a large commercial property,one of my co-workers is a very fringe conspiracy theorist whos makes claims like “the world is ending in 2024 because of planet x” and “theres 70 ft giants living in the artic the government knows about” which whenever he starts his rants I either tune him out or shrug it off. Today he was sitting in our shared office watching youtube videos about “how to load an AR-15” and numerous videos of people test firing guns, I saw this as a tad concerning so i mentioned it to my immediate supervisor under the pretext “this could be nothing or it could be something” ( i am ok with guns,own 2 myself,just that sorta of material in a commercial office setting is a little inappropriate) my supervisor understood my concern and said they would mention something…

So,heres the long and skinny of it. I work maintenance for a large commercial property,one of my co-workers is a very fringe conspiracy theorist whos makes claims like “the world is ending in 2024 because of planet x” and “theres 70 ft giants living in the artic the government knows about” which whenever he starts his rants I either tune him out or shrug it off. Today he was sitting in our shared office watching youtube videos about “how to load an AR-15” and numerous videos of people test firing guns, I saw this as a tad concerning so i mentioned it to my immediate supervisor under the pretext “this could be nothing or it could be something” ( i am ok with guns,own 2 myself,just that sorta of material in a commercial office setting is a little inappropriate) my supervisor understood my concern and said they would mention something to the individual.

Fast forward to the end of the day, my supervisor did not say anything to him,I go into the office and he's watching the same content,I tell him that its sorta inappropriate and its distracting as I was trying to finish paperwork. He ignored me and actually turned it up as someone on screen was unloading a 100 round clip, I told him again it made me uncomfortable and it was distracting.

He slammed the laptop screen down and says “why are you fucking with me? You've been fucking with me all day and i dont like it”
I asked what is he talking about and he accused me of following him around all day.
He then told me to leave him the fuck alone and back the fuck off,he got up and started walking past me,he was about 8 to 10 inches from my face and told me that if i didn't leave him the fuck alone i was gonna learn a lesson “the hard way” I stepped back because I could not see his hands and wanted to make sure I could properly defend myself, I asked him if he was threatening me and he said yes if i didnt leave him alone he was gonna take me outside and kick my fucking ass to teach me some respect. At this point I would like to add he is a 73 year old man whos diabetic and im in my mid 30s, luckily a coworker heard the last threat he said and stepped in to break it up, I called my supervisor to tell him what happened and he was obviously upset,he said he would take care of it but I honestly feel if hes not terminated I dont feel any other punishment matters. Im not physically worried about him at all,he just has all the red flags of an active shooter.

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