
Frustrating Situation

I asked a question of the director last week. She gave me an off the cuff answer that allowed her to just get rid of me without answering the question. Basically here is where the information is. Find it yourself. I researched it and found no more information than I already had. So still needing the information I ask my supervisor this week. As we are working to find the answer my director walks in. So I turned to her and pointed out I was unable to get the information I needed. She gives me the same answer. I further explained where I went in the system and what information that got me and what information I needed. She then begrudgingly provided me the answer I needed. Today I found out that she went off on me trying to call her out and going behind her back to undermine her.…

I asked a question of the director last week. She gave me an off the cuff answer that allowed her to just get rid of me without answering the question. Basically here is where the information is. Find it yourself.

I researched it and found no more information than I already had. So still needing the information I ask my supervisor this week. As we are working to find the answer my director walks in. So I turned to her and pointed out I was unable to get the information I needed. She gives me the same answer. I further explained where I went in the system and what information that got me and what information I needed. She then begrudgingly provided me the answer I needed.

Today I found out that she went off on me trying to call her out and going behind her back to undermine her.

I love working in an environment of open communication.

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